Slow Fashion

Thankfully the solution to fast fashion is simply the opposite: slow fashion

  1. Phase out non-organic cotton and clothing made from fossil fuels and old-growth forests
  2. Improve clothing utilisation – create more durable clothing and keep clothing until it is falling apart
  3. Build recycling into the industry

We can start with the first two steps straight away, as consumers. Be conscious about the materials your clothing is made from, and don’t throw items out before they are worn out.

That means deliberately choosing more expensive clothing, and not belonging to the cult of micro-trends in fashion.

At Ownd we can make slow fashion affordable:

  • Non-profit
  • Classic looks, not influenced by micro-trends
  • Minimalist distribution model – ideally factory direct to consumer

Ultimately you will be able to buy eco-friendly and charitable clothing that is more durable physically and fashionably, cheaper than “name” brands.

Other ideas that could help:

  • Short-term clothing rental
  • Materials that have a recycling-first design
  • Storage instead of burning old clothes – at least until we sort out climate change. Burning releases carbon